If you are looking for Integrative Medicine, Counseling and Therapy in Boulder, please contact the office to discuss your individual health concerns, whether my practice is a good fit for your needs, and to schedule an appointment.
More detailed information about the different services can be found on the Services page.
Many answers to commonly asked questions about the practice and different services can also be found on the Q&A page.
Services are available for Integrative Medicine and Therapy in Boulder, both in-person and online with Telehealth (video conferencing).
Medical Cannabis and CBD Consultations are also mostly available both in-person and online with Telehealth. Please note, currently, the State of Colorado requires that medical marijuana evaluations be conducted in-person.
Consulting Services, including Cannabis Consulting and Addiction Consulting, are available both with online video conferencing and in-person in the office.
Please contact the office for more details and to schedule an appointment.